Training features / 培训特色

Taking the classic Chinese Course published by Peking University and specially designed for overseas Chinese children as the outline, Chinese traditional culture education as the body, teaching with pleasure, and comprehensively improving children's Chinese listening, speaking, reading and writing ability

With language as the cultural carrier, we will pay attention to Chinese traditional culture, virtue, history, philosophy and other traditional Chinese culture education, so that children can take root in Chinese culture.

Take culture as carrier

Taking curriculum as the outline

The classic Chinese Course published by Peking University and specially designed for overseas Chinese children is adopted to help overseas Chinese children systematically improve their ability of "listening, speaking, reading and writing".

Teaching in fun

According to the characteristics of children's learning, we advocate happy teaching, teaching with fun, lively, children's learning process spring breeze rain, children are full of interest.

Comprehensive improvement

To improve children's Chinese "listening, speaking, reading and writing" ability, and seamless connection with YCT children's Chinese test and HSK Chinese proficiency test.

Teaching system 教学体系

According to the standard of classic Chinese Course published by Peking University and specially designed for overseas Chinese children, referring to the Chinese language teaching and European language framework, a Chinese level teaching system of 7 levels and 15 levels is set up, covering the Chinese learning needs of children of all ages, and seamless connection with YCT children's Chinese test and HSK Chinese proficiency test.